2011 was the last operating season for 6060 at Alberta Prairie Railway in Stettler, Alberta. 



During routine annual Non Destructive Testing (NDT) inspection, problems were discovered in the firebox crown sheet (top of the steel firebox) and the steel firebox wall on the fireman’s side. There appeared to be a small anomaly in the metal. Further inspections were requested by the Alberta Boiler Safety Association (ABSA) who licenses the boiler for operation.

A number of stay bolts were determined to be leaking. A welding process was developed to see if the leak around the stay bolts could be seal-welded, however, was unsuccessful.

Under the guidance of the Power Engineer who Rocky Mountain Rail employed to monitor boiler operation and the ABSA Inspector a process was agreed upon to remove a portion of the crown sheet. In addition, the Power Engineer and ABSA Inspector directed that more non-destructive testing and examination be performed on the crown sheet and boiler shell.


















 Discussion began between the mechanical committee and the RMRS Board of Directors about options for repair of 6060’s firebox and stay bolts. The Board requested a budget for necessary inspections and repairs.


Acuren Inspection Services of Edmonton was engaged to begin the process of boiler inspection of the 6060 and a process was developed to meet ABSA requirements. The inspection was completed on sections of the boiler over a period of time as funding permitted. 


Acuren Inspection Services provided the Rocky Mountain Rail Society with a steel integrity and thickness report. Report forwarded to df Boiler (Edmonton), the company engaged by the society to perform repair work on 6060.

 2018 through 2019: Several meetings held between Acuren, df Boiler, ABSA and the Rocky Mountain Rail Society. Additional information and inspections were required. Completed report by Acuren was provided to df Boiler in June 2019.

 Review by df Boiler was completed in early August 2019. df Boiler developed a repair plan. Plan was sent to ABSA for their approval.


2019 (August/September): Repair plan for the boiler of 6060 was approved by ABSA.


 2020 (June): A crew from df Boiler removed 79 rigid and flexible stay bolts from the firebox of 6060 as stage 1 of the repair plan.

Crown sheet patch welded into firebox, test and inspection holes plugged, welding on Thermic Syphons. Repairs to fire box floor, ready for fire brick installation.

Thread taps required to install new stay bolts ordered and received.

New holes drilled in crown sheet patch, old holes re threaded to accept new manufactured stay bolts.

Stay bolts must be custom manufactured by df Boiler as they are of varying lengths and sizes.

Stay bolt holes tapped in preparation for new stay bolts.

Stay bolts manufactured

Repairs to steam delivery pipe to main cylinder on fireman’s side

Replacement of whistle and blower pipes

All required stay bolts, including rigid and flexible stay bolts have been replaced and seal welded in place.