Online update meeting, Saturday, April 5,
11:00 AM MDT
Live from supertrain 2025 in calgary
RMRS holds open online meetings to discuss ongoing repair to the locomotive fire box and restoration of the 6060 locomotive.
All current and past members will automatically be sent an invitation to the meeting by email.
Anyone who has previously joined the email list will be sent an invitation to the meeting.
Zoom will be used for the online meeting.
You must have Zoom installed on your computer to join the meeting. Go to Zoom to download the Zoom client.
Click on the invite link at the meeting time and you may join the meeting.
Invitations will be sent by email, to the email address on file on Thursday, April 3 prior to the meeting.
If you missed your invite, please fill in the form below to request an invite to the meeting.
Anyone may attend the online meeting,
you must request an invitation
if you did not receive one.
If you have previously joined the email list, your email remains on file and you will be sent an invitation.
If you would like to receive an invitation to attend the online meeting, please fill in your name and email address below and click submit. A meeting invite will be sent.
Meetings are held every few months to update members and others interested about what is happening at the Rocky Mountain Rail Society and restoration progress on the 6060 steam locomotive.